We are led by founder and director, Alasdair Grubb BSc ACIEEM.
Alasdair has advanced and diverse field identification skills, allowing him to undertake complex survey and field work.
He gained a thorough grounding in British natural history through working as a Warden on RSPB nature reserves for 9 years, prior to becoming a senior consultant ecologist; this has ensured that his field skills are highly proficient.
Since venturing into the world of Ecological Consultancy, he has developed his report writing and analytical skills, and become a licenced surveyor for bats, GCNs and barn owls in England, Scotland and Wales.
He is proficient at report writing, GIS mapping and bat sound analysis.
Alasdair is also annually employed by the BBC “Watches” series, within the remote camera team: Responsible for locating subjects (nests, badger setts, bat roosts, otter holts, salmon redds etc.) and rigging complex camera systems sensitively. He is also responsible for filming the subjects both pre-recorded, and for the live television show.
He has well developed practical skills, which allows him to think of practical solutions to any problems which may arise. He is a trained and experienced tree climber.
We have offices in North Lancashire and Dumfries & Galloway.
However, we undertake work throughout the UK.
We are licenced to survey all species of bat in England (Level 2), Scotland and Wales.
We are licenced to survey for GCNs in England, Scotland and Wales
We are licenced to survey for Barn Owl in England, Scotland and Wales.
We have held other species specific Schedule 1 disturbance licences for a variety of species (including Goshawk, Little ringed plover, Kingfisher, Avocet, Dartford Warbler and many more).
We hold a Botanical Society for Britain and Ireland (BSBI) Field Identification Skills Certificate (FISC) Level 5.
This quantitively deems us competent to undertake botanical and habitat surveys.
We are experienced in classifying habitats to UKHab and Phase 1 standards.
We hold certification in Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue (NPTC CS38).
We are experienced in aerial surveys for bats and birds, as well as undertaking complex aerial rigging of remote camera and lighting systems.
We hold certification in use of herbicides for control of non-native invasive plant species:
We hold the following qualifications in land based operations:
We have extensive, working experience in the use of the above.
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