We are highly experienced in PEA surveys:
Vast working experience in variety of bird surveys:
Licenced to survey for bats in England, Scotland and Wales:
Licenced to survey for GCNs in England, Scotland and Wales:
Experienced in BNG Assessment:
Experienced ECoW, ensuring compliance with best practice and legislation:
We are experienced in surveying for badgers and assessing the impact of a development on badgers:
We have prior experience of sett closure though acquisition of sett disturbance licences.
We are experienced in reptile surveys from initially assessing the impact of a development on reptiles to assessing populations on sites:
We are experienced in surveying for otters and assessing the impact of a development on otters:
We have previously been licenced in Northern Ireland to disturb otters for the purpose of filming (DAERA).
We are qualified in use of herbicides and experienced in control of a variety of non-native invasive plant species.
We have a vast experience in habitat management for conservation, proven through year's of managing internationally important sites for the RSPB:
Over 10 years' experience in working with the BBC:
Employed initially for wildlife knowledge, field craft and practical skill. Camera knowledge and skill has developed through the years. Key roles:
Variety of subjects: birds including rare / sensitive species, bat roosts (under licence), terrestrial mammals (e.g. badger setts, baiting stations), aquatic mammals (otters and grey seals).
Assisting long-lens camera operators using knowledge and field craft.
Work has included work for blue chip productions, including international travel.
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